Surgery Instructions

If you have scheduled an Office Procedure, please read the following useful information.

You have scheduled an Office Procedure

Below you will find a list of pre-op instructions that you must follow:

  • No Aspirin, Ibuprofen or blood-thinning products one week before your procedure.  The use of Tylenol is okay.
  • No multivitamin (E), fish oils, or omega 3’s beginning: AS INSTRUCTED
  • No Plavix beginning: AS INSTRUCTED
  • No Coumadin beginning: AS INSTRUCTED
  • No Humera beginning: AS INSTRUCTED

If the physician who prescribes these medications feels that you cannot discontinue treatment for a brief length of time, please let us know so that we can make other arrangements.


General Information:

  • All office procedures are performed under local anesthesia
  • Please remind us of any drug allergies that you may have
  • There are no dietary restrictions
  • You may drive yourself to and from this appointment
  • Please call us with any questions or concerns

You have scheduled a Hospital Procedure

You will require medical clearance before your surgical procedure.  Please schedule an appointment with your primary care doctor the week before your scheduled surgery date. 

The Ambulatory Surgical Unit will contact you in the late afternoon the day before surgery with your hospital arrival time. You will need to fast after midnight the evening before surgery.

Avoid all aspirin, Ibuprofen, anti-inflammatory medications, steroids, vitamin E and fish oil one week before your surgical procedure. Stop using Plavix or Coumadin as instructed.

Hospital Policy requires a second surgeon to be present during certain surgical procedures.  This will result in a billing fee. When necessary, the assistant surgeon is an integral part of the surgical team and important in maintaining the high-quality of care to our patients.

After you have been discharged from the hospital, please contact our office for post-op instructions and to schedule a post-op appointment. Routine office evaluation is one week later.  Please call 631-271-1822 to set up a post-op appointment.